I started a new routine and I really like it! I started keeping a journal that’s been really easy and helps me stay focused and positive. I take about five minutes (or less) each morning on it, and spend a minute before bed … or not.
First, a quick review of “superobjective”: It is a theatrical term for what your character (so, in real life, this means YOU) wants more than anything. It is the big “want” that guides all action in the play. It’s your big “want” that should be guiding all action in your life. You can read more about objectives in my article, What’s Your Purpose? and in Chapter 7 of my book, Talking Splat: Communicating About Hidden Disabilities.
Here’s how each journal entry goes….
Date at the top.
Superobjective:to inspire (that’s mine … you use yours)
Month objective:
Day objective:
Below the superobjective I have a couple countdowns to big things I’m looking forward to. They are in weeks, not days, because that makes for smaller numbers and the events feel closer.
Next I write RESOLVES and list what I resolve to do that day. It’s a fancy, solid way to do a to-do list of your most important things.
Next I write LOOKING FORWARD TO or just doodle googly eyes, and I list things I’m looking forward to. I include:
- at least one thing for today
- at least one thing a few days away
- a thing one other thing this month or next
- something big in the future, like my birthday
- a future dream that I’m determined to do … certain, therefore, that it’ll happen
At the end of the day, I check in with how I did. I draw check marks or smiley faces by my accomplished resolves or notes about what went wrong. If something fabulous happened that day, I can write a sentence or two about it, because it’s a journal, after all.
If I don’t feel like checking back in before bed, I do it in the morning before I write my next entry.
If I don’t feel like journaling on a particular day, I don’t. This is a joy for me, not a chore. I still get plenty of repetition writing my superobjective and big things I’m looking forward to, and that’s super powerful!
Give it a try!
Splatties, try adding this to your Impact Map, whether daily or weekly.
Mine end up looking like this (I blurred stuff I want to keep personal or that just won’t make sense unless you’re me … until I blog about it!)
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