Wiseacres, McLean, Virginia, September 23 thru September 24, 2005


Ah, home again .................


Don Beefy.



Here's a pre-show ritual for you (of Brian ... one of our three MCs this weekend)... sugar packets and Red Bull.  Hopped-up MC, oh my.


This is James, another one of our MCs this week.



Here's me onstage.  This would be a swell series of photos if it weren't for this last one, with the visible empty chair on the left and the guy on the right who's not even looking at me.  I swear, I had a good show!


Canadian comedian, Ginny Allen, stops by to do a guest set for one of our shows.


Goombas: Don Beefy (Mike Diesel), Santino (Mark Matusof) and our yet-to-be-nicknamed friend Bill (photographer of the above photos of me).   


The tradition always goes that we all go over to Mr. Smith's after the show.  7 comedians, and 2 friends of the biz.



My big brother and I decorate ourselves.