Joey's, Dearborn, Michigan, April 23 thru April 25, 2004


Joey's is an awesome club!  What fun I have!!


Outside during twilight.  Joey's, within the restaurant Paisano's.  (GREAT Italian food!!!)


The showroom.


One of the things that makes this club so great is the staff.  Here's Dan, a bartender, with his fiancé, general manager, Leslie.


Lydia and Cris.






Lydia, Shelley, and Stacey.


The boys: Sal Demilio (left), a veteran comic who showed to host for us, along with the headliner, J.R. Remick.  Both are great comics.


J.R. onstage.


The crowds at Joey's are unmatched.  Here's one audience member who hugs me a half dozen times after a show.


In our audience one night is a group of women from the Wayne Metro Head Start program who all contributed over 80 hours in community service for children, and our show was part of their gift for their gift.  This is shot onstage after the show; Sal, J.R., and I are nestled among them.


Mid-weekend, I must suddenly find myself a place to stay, so J.R. graciously offers me space in his local bachelor pad.  We spend two evenings in a row staying up insanely late playing game after game after game after game of chess.