Talk Show Appearance in Harrisburg, PA

7 Mar

A fabulous daytime talk show in my home city, Harrisburg, PA, recently invited me to appear. The show is Good Day PA!, hosted by Amy Kehm.

Here is the segment in full:

Behind the Scenes

This was actually my second time appearing on this show. My first time on was when I promoted a stand-up comedy fundraiser show for the Canine Rescue of Central Pennsylvania. So I already knew Amy was awesome, and I was super excited to chat with her again.

Christina Irene on set in ABC27 Harrisburg

Right before the segment began, Amy asked to take my photo for a Twitter post.

There were some interesting moments off camera where we talked more about the difficulties that women face. Amy was particularly moved by my standpoint on how women treat each other. She also was fascinated by my superhero costume from my promo poster, and I explained that the yellow leggings were actually sleeves cut off a long-sleeve T-shirt and the wrist cuffs are soda coozies.

For the record, I was being ironic when I said during this interview that sometimes when I’m alone I put on the costume to feel powerful. Sadly, the camera wasn’t on me so I hope that didn’t come off as just weird. Assembling that entire costume takes too much work and I think if I were home alone and tried that, I’d just feel annoyed. And weird. Unless there really were some actual crime fighting or something for me to do.

I really had an amazing time. I think it’s incredibly cool to just be in a TV studio. I’m like a little kid in that regard, which I’m totally fine with — I believe that the more excited I get over things, the more exciting life is!

On …

When the producers posted my video on the station’s website, they included a really nice write-up. Click here to read it.

Everyone at Harrisburg’s ABC affiliate is super nice, and I can’t wait to go back and visit again. Stay tuned!


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