My first day in Savannah....


This is the bridge I take to get into Savannah.  Much more comfortable than the ones in Charleston, SC.


Unfortunately, there is also the flea epidemic to deal with.  This is Mary's Miniature Pinscher, Darby, going for the kill.


On a whim, Mary and I decide to make some sushi.


Our beautiful sushi.  How lovely it is.


Then we go out to a little bar downtown.  This is the Jimmy Wolling Band, mainly bluegrass, and entirely incredible.  


Sushi forgotten, we decide to end this evening appropriately.


Our Waffle House spread.  Yes, that's my signature "scattered, covered, chunked, and diced with Tobasco."  Plus two eggs over medium, toast, bacon, and hot tea with cream and honey.  Mmmmmm....

A side note: Notice the plate of lettuce at the top right.  Mary is craving lettuce and begs the waitress to provide.  Here's where the Waffle House waitress begins believing my friend is truly weird, to which I say, "she needs to graze," and the Waffle House waitress, without a blink, replies, "is your friend a heifer?"


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