All three nights, Tom and I go to Denny's after the shows.  These photos are from Saturday night.


Tom gets a milkshake.  I prove it's so thick, I can hold the cup upside down and it won't drip out.  Ok, so I almost prove it.

My feast!!


The Peoria Players Theater's production of The Rocky Horror Picture Show is going on....and a few groups of attendees come to Denny's.  They're kind enough to allow me photos for my website.  In the center of the center picture is Timothy M. Hopper, who performs the lead role in the play













And then waitress, Barb, asks to be included on my site.  Rarely can I, but I grant wishes whenever I can.



On the drive back to the hotel, I force Tom into a McDonald's drive-thru because I need a smidge more milk to wash down my feast.

Tom at McDonald's.


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