day 17 ...


2 pages of photos for day 17.  Follow the links at the bottoms of the pages.



Morning views from the hotel.


Back to the scene of last night's crime (well, same street, anyway), for breakfast.  And did I mention we've on James' Harley for the day?


James gets the "all-day breakfast."  Mmmmmmmmm.


I get French toast with bacon and caramelized bananas.  Mmmmmmmmm.


We ride down to a pier so I can get a photo of downtown Auckland.


Now up onto one of the many local volcanoes for more heightened view.



And on this volcano, we have an old gun built because a Japanese submarine surfaced in these waters during World War II.


James' pretty bike.


One more photo from up top.  Sailboats alongside a volcano.


Now, a long ride past downtown, and into some other suburbs.  Here's the view from one neighborhood.


A closer look.



Downtown seen by James.



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