leaving Yellowstone


With my last day in Yellowstone spent, I aim to arrive in Billings, Montana to find a motel.  It's a city (having motels and internet dialup numbers), and it's a reasonable drive (8-ish hours) from there to my next gig in Minot, ND.


Just outside the park, I get this picture of a pretty peak.


And here's the road I need to take to Billings.


So on to a twisty-windy, loooooooooooong alternate route.  Here's a bridge that had a sign posted on it which basically (without actually stating it) reads, "no bungee jumping."


A restroom in the middle of nowhere???  THANK GOD!


Finally, I see the light of civilization.  This is a photo I snap outside my driver side window as I pass an industrial plant.


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