....leaving Spirit Lake


On the drive out of Iowa, I snap one last picture to define Iowa.  This is what most of it looks like.


It's now a full moon.  I pull off the interstate in Illinois to get a picture of the big orange moon rising over a cornfield.


After taking that first moonrise picture, I turned and caught a picture of the sunset directly behind me.


Same moonrise, another Illinois cornfield.


My girlfriends' apartment in Knoxville, TN, after 18 hours of driving.  An early look of the swollen sunburn.  Note the enlarged calf and how my ankle is the same width as the front of my foot.  And this is before my feet began to swell as well....


Here's my "Bite Me" T-shirt I bought at the Iowa welcome center on my way out of town.  The mosquitoes are the perfect representation of my Iowa trip.  And here I've circled for you a couple bites that swelled nicely.


But I'm still up for a game of Scrabble against my host, Amy, and her boyfriend Emerson, while simultaneously playing chess with Emerson and editing my Iowa photos for my website.  Yes, women can multitask.  I won both games, by the way.


And here's me (unshowered) with my Knoxville host and best girlfriend, Amy.


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